New Veils, Feb 10, 2017

February 10, 2017 (Feast of St. Scholastica), was a very special day for our community in that we received new veils.  We had prayed and discussed this decision and found it appropriate that we wear the very traditional veil with wimple. Sister Guadalupe spent time after her home visit with the Benedictine Nuns of Vera Cruz, Mexico, to learn how to sew the new veils.  When we made the change on Feb 10th, S. Guadalupe helped each of us with a special time of silence. We then processed into the Chapel. The actual blessing  was by Abbot Philip who gave a sermon followed by a formal sprinkling of holy water on our veils. Our Novice continues to wear the original white veil given to her and God willing, in two years, she will receive a new veil as a Junior sister. Now, can you recognize who’s who?