All posts by ourlady

November 2024


Thank you Ernest! As most of you know, Ernest Valencia, was a member of our Lay Advisory Board when we moved to the current land in 2008 and since that time was the head mainte nance foreman for the construction of our current monastery in Gobernador. We appreciate all the work he voluntarily did for us, giving us advise and communicating with other building contractors. Many times, we would have to call him after off normal working hours to take care of no electricity, no water, etc. He was always very attentive to our building needs. In gratitude we ask God to bless Ernest abundantly with peace and good health!

From Our Prioress: Greetings from Gobernador! As you know our life here in Gobernador, New Mexico is dedicated to praising and worshiping God. Daily, I thank God during Lauds and Vespers for the many blessings we receive from God and the people. To mention a few of our blessings: The vocation to be a part of the Catholic Church, a Benedictine nun, beauty of the desert, the generous people who support our way of life in so many ways such as your generous financial gifts, groceries, work, etc. Others come to visit the monastery or spend time at the St. Benedict Guesthouse which bring us joy with their presence. Soon we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. You and your loved ones will be remembered that day. I am sending you my heart filled gratitude and prayers. Sister Hilda

Retreat Time – Last month, we had our yearly retreat (Sept 9-12) with Fr. John Brahill, from Marmion Abbey, Aurora, Illinois. It was a time of deep refection and rest! We began the retreat with a DVD, “Paul Apostle of Christ.” Its an excellent movie about how Luke goes to Rome to visit Paul in prison. The movie captivates the death of Paul with Luke who persists in writing a book that described the birth of the Church. True episodes are found in the Acts of the Apostles; however, there are 13 books attributed to Paul the Apostle in the Epistles of Paul or Letters of Paul. Fr. John gave two conferences a day with written questions to think and pray about. One of the first questions after Fr. John spoke about the Emmaus Journey, was “How do you envision yourself ‘walking with Christ?’”

We Welcome New Saints – “I am a Christian and I will die as a Christian” These are the words of Blessed Manuel Ruiz López, who was superior to eight friars, his companions and three Maronites who were missionaries in Syria. On July 9, 1860, by the Druze, and other Muslim groups who opposed Christianity brutally tortured Manuel Ruiz and his companions for defending the Christian faith, “Martyrs of Damascus.” On October 20, 2024 Pope Francis decreed the canonization of not only Blessed Ruiz but two women. Blessed Elena Guerra, born in Italy (1835–1914) known as “an apostle of the Holy Spirit.” Also included Blessed Sister Blessed Marie-Léonie Paradis, from Canada, founder of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family. Her focus was to support educational work in Guatemala, USA, Italy, Brazil, Haiti, Chile, and Honduras. Included with the other saints, there is Italian Blessed Giuseppe Allamano, known as a father figure of Jeus, founded religious congregations for women and men. On November 1, All Saints Day, we pray: Lord, as the saints in Heaven adore You for eternity, I beg for their intercession. Saints of God, please come to my aide. Pray for me and bring to me the grace I need to live a holy life in imitation of your own lives.

Graduate – This year on May 11, 2024, The Saint Leo University in Florida, celebrated the achievements of more than 1,300 graduates. Our Sister Elizabeth Tran received her master’s degree in theology theological studies.

My Life as an Aspirant & Postulant by Irene Olotch – My life as an Aspirant began with a very warm welcome from the community in 2022. I am from Nairobi, Kenya, a country in East Africa, 9,000 miles from Gobernador, NM. Soon, after Mass before the midday, I was very happy to have begun a new stage in my religious life. The following week after I had joined, I began classes twice a week with my teacher, taking in all the subjects which were on Wednesdays and Thursdays as an Aspirant, which included the Rule of St. Benedict, his life as well as a class on the life in the community. On Saturdays we began group Lectio Divina with my teacher from 4-5 pm. As time went by, we were able to share the Gospel readings with the grace of God. After a year, I was admitted to the Postulancy, where I have learned that prayer comes with patience to accept challenges. As I begin the Novitiate, I pray that the Lord may continue to enlighten me. (Irene will enter the Novitiate on November 19, 2024, please pray for her.)

Piñon Pickers at the Monastery – The rich history of Piñon nuts dates back thousands of years found in the ruins of Pompeii. The piñon pine is the state tree of New Mexico, and the seeds have provided sustenance many years for the Native people and Hispanic settlers. Every year one can see parked vehicles along the side of many roads in our area. We have a beautiful pine tree right on our property in front of the St. Walburga building and you will find Sister Frances and Sister Elizabeth picking piñons.

June 2023, Sister Mercy Makes Final Vows

Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert – June 2023

Monastic Profession & Consecration – Sister Mercy made her Solemn Profession April 23, 2023, shown to the left of Bishop James S. Wall who officiated the celebration. During the Interrogation, Prioress Hilda asked Sister Mercy, “do you will to commit yourself in monastic profession to follow Christ forever?” Sister Maria Mercy responded, “Yes, I do so will to commit myself.” The vows for life are Obedience, Stability and Conversion.

“Oftentimes as monastics grow older, they think that the “vows” become easier to keep, so now they must be good monastics. But the life commitment is to seek God continually, to grow more and more into the feeling and the knowledge of God. It is not easier in old age; it may simply be different because the older monastic must show to the younger more understanding and less judgment, while continuing to realize dependency upon God rather than on one’s own arrival at perfection.” Life and Law by Daniel Ward, OSB, June 2008.

We must then prepare our hearts and bodies for the battle of holy obedience to His instructions. Rule of St. Benedict, Prologue 40
We are always in formation, but in particularly those who first come to the monastery learn more about Scripture, the teachings of St. Benedict and his Rule. We also learn about other monastic writers.

Most Reverend Michael J. Sheehan, Archbishop Emeritus, Archdiocese of Santa Fe

After many years of service to the Catholic Church, Most Rev. Michael J. Sheehan died June 3, 2023, at the age of 83.  He was the eleventh archbishop of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, from 1993-2015. He had previously served as bishop of the Diocese of Lubbock, Texas from 1983-1993.  May his soul rest in peace.

We are very grateful to the Archdiocese of Santa Fe in the support of our history.  On February 8, 1990, a letter was sent to the Archdiocese requesting the establishment of a monastic life.  Official permission was granted to serve as Oblates October 15, 1990.  As most of you know, we moved to the Gallup Diocese on the Memorial of St. Anthony of Padua, June 13, 2008.  We give thanks to the Lord! 

Wisdom from Prioress Hilda Tuyuc: On the Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 48 – I cannot say we work for a living. Living expenses are high for many people, even for nuns. Regarding our manual labor, we upkeep the areas on our property with the help of the workers. I hope that if you are ever in our area, that you see all the work that has been accomplished! – At the monastery we work for the glory of God. From RB, Chapter 48, we read, “Idleness is the enemy of the soul.” Made clear by St. Benedict, the monastery is a school where we are serving God each day in some way to continue our faith and love, which sometimes becomes a battle within us, and idleness becomes an enemy of the soul. One of the hardest work in community life is to live in harmony with each other, which includes accepting our differences in Christ’s love for the glory of God.

Mother Abbess Hilda Scott, OSB – We are pleased to announce that Mother Hilda Scott, OSB, from Jamberoo Abbey, Australia, will be with us for a short visit in August since she will be attending the Communio Internationalis Benedictinarum (CIB) as a delegate for the council meeting in September. More info about the CIB at

Retreat – Sister Monica Kamplain, OSB, from St. Scholastica Priory will be giving us our retreat this year September 18 for about a week. A yearly retreat means a time for rest, refreshment, and recuperation for our souls. Please pray for us.

Welcome to St. Antony and St. Paul Hermitage, – Only two links on the site, which makes it very plain and simple: Home and Store. The interesting part of this website is the tribute made to hermits down through the ages with sayings of the Desert Father and Mothers.

St. Benedict and John Cassian by Sister Elizabeth T. – John Cassian is one of the few outstanding figures who helped spread monasticism to the West. Although gathering information and experiencing the eremitical life of the monks in the Egyptian desert, Cassian wrote The Institute for the Communities of cenobitic life. In his view, hermit and eremitical life is for the perfect people, hence, his rule is for the beginners. Who can confidently self-acknowledge to be a perfect one? This notion influenced St. Benedict when he wrote his rule saying that “Then with Christ’s help, keep this little rule that we have written for beginners” (RB, 73:8).

As Meisel & Mastro said in their introduction that the Rule of Benedict (RB) “drew upon Eastern and Western traditions of asceticism and reshaped them into a new creation” (Meisel & Mastro, 28). The RB clearly shows the sources St. Benedict used, “Then besides the Conferences of the Fathers, their Institutes and their lives, there is also the rule of our holy father Basil” (RB 73:5). Within its seventy-three chapters, the RB’s chapter seven is the longest and is the most important one which deals with humility. Although obedience is the outstanding virtue of the Benedictine life, if there is no humility, it is hard to live the Vows of Obedience. RB chapter seven addresses the twelve steps from which to get to the summit of the virtuous life. It is as a ladder that signifies only that we descent by exaltation and ascent by humility” (RB 7:7).

The twelve steps: step #1) Living in the presence of God constantly. #2) Renouncing self-will. #3) Obedient for the love of God. #4) Obedient in difficult situations. #5) Transparent, sincerity discloses wrongdoings. #6) Content with the task given. #7) Admit the human condition and respect others. # 8) Not interfere in others’ business. #9) Speak only when it is needed. #10) Be thoughtful and profound. #11) Few words and gentle, and #12) Expressing modesty in the manner of the awareness of a sinner (RB 7, 10-66). These twelve steps of humility encapsulate Cassian’s book XII where he described the seriousness of the spirit of pride as “a most savage beast” more dangerous than any other vices that he listed as gluttony, fornication, avarice, anger, sadness, acedia, and vainglory. According to Cassian, pride is the vice that strikes both those who are “spiritual and very good” and those who are beginners. “There is no other vice, then, which so reduces to naught every virtue and so despoils and impoverishes a human being of all righteousness and holiness as does the evil of pride” (The Institute, Book XII).

In this teaching, St. Benedict’s twelve steps of humility reflect the emphasis of Cassian on the weight of the spirit of pride and its harmful result on the spiritual life. Cassian and Benedict wrote their rules for the monastics, but they are also applicable for lay people who are also in need of becoming “holy as your Father who is Holy” (1 Peter 1:16) and in need of becoming a real human in this busy and secularized world.

This and That – With back-to-back doctor appointments for Sister Benedicta and Sister Mary, they sometimes stay in Farmington at the Connelly House, affiliated with the San Juan Foundation, which makes for less driving. – We were able to show the Power Point presentation that Sister Stephen gave at the Assumption College, about our monastery. This summer she will be able spend some time at the St. Scholastica Priory in Massachusetts and time with us before she returns for the fall semester of college.

Recently, Sister Elizabeth T. had the opportunity of going to an icon workshop at the Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Monks of Mt. Tabor, Redwood Valley in California. She was able to learn new techniques and explore different ways of expression.

Irene O. returned to the monastery June 7th from Kenya to continue her vocation as an Aspirant. – Sister Francis N. will be returning to the monastery this summer after 3 years in Vietnam, taking care of her elderly mother and aunt.

Sister Agnes Le D. continues to seek the hermit life and is asking for exclaustration. Its sounds like a big word, but in Canon Law, it is the official authorization for the sister to live outside the monastery and to discern her vocation. Please pray for her. – Sister Maria N. had been a Transfer sister from a Dominican community and after 4 years of discernment, she has decided not to continue our monastic way of life. We thank you Sister Maria for all the work you did with the Liturgy! – Sister Gertrude (former Sister Gertrude N.) spent a few weeks in Costa Rica the last part of May early June visiting her mother who had a serious bout with Covid. She now has stomach problems but is better.

Ambulatory – We are pleased to let you know that our ambulatory walkway is almost competed, and Leonard Orr will be ready to install the electricity in about three more weeks. Thanks to our workers, Ernest Valencia, Arturo Herrera, Emanuel Beruman, and Charles Reams for those extra hours you worked! Of course, we appreciate all the work of our contractor, Steve Perez from Bobcat Construction. We appreciate all of you who have supported this project!

September 2022 NEWSLETTER

Monastery of Our Lady of the DesertST. BENEDICT PRAY FOR US! – Before all things and above all things, care must be taken of the sick, so that they will be served as if they were Christ in person; for He Himself said, I was sick, and you visited me (Matt 25:36), and, What you did for one these least ones, you did for me (Matt 25:40).  But let the sick on their part consider that they are being served for the honor of God and let them not annoy their brethren who are serving them by their unnecessary demands.  Yet they should be patiently borne with, because from such as these is gained a more abundant reward.  Therefore, the Abbot shall ask that they suffer no neglect.  (Rule of St. Benedict, Chapter 36:  On the Sick Brethren)


Dear Friends, I am sending you a heart full of gratitude for the support, prayers, and donations you have given us during this difficult time of illnesses.  Most of us now have had Covid.  Some of the sisters had complicated health issues, but thanks be to God, we are all alive.

Good health is a gift from God.  Most of the time when we are well, we do not think much about it, until we realize that something is not working.  Thanks to the physicians who help us find ways to improve our well-being.

I also want you to know that we try to be faithful to our monastic way of life here in the desert of New Mexico, ora et labora, pray and work is what we do day in and day out.

Know that our prayers are with you.  Your sister in Christ, Prioress Hilda Tuyuc, OSB

GOD  WRITES  IN  CROOKED  LINES – All our sisters were so “happy” to share that the Covid virus had left us!  Five of the sisters (Sister Mary and those in junior formation) went for one week to St. John’s University, in Minnesota for the 33rd Monastic Institute – School of Theology and Seminary,  which was well attended after a three-year hiatus.   They wore face masks and were careful with handwashing, etc.

The presenters did an excellent job who included  Father Michael Casey, from Australia, Father Luke Dysinger, from the United States and Sister Manuela Scheiba, from Germany. They were the most in-depth presenters about humility from the Rule of St. Benedict. Here are a few quotes from the presenters:

Father Michael Casey, OCSO: The significance of the experience of conversion is that it allows us to come under the influence of the spiritual world – an objective reality that is not self, to which we feel drawn or obliged to conform ourselves. It is a turning away from self… The displacement of the ego from the center of ‘our’ universe leads us to assign only relative value to our beliefs, opinions, and values to become somewhat open to alternative ways of viewing the world and interacting with it, which makes us somewhat cautious in following our instinctive choices.

Sister Manuela Scheiba, OSB:  A lack of humility can be destructive; …Not listening to the envious comments of others – we are truly open to others when we have the strength to listen; listening is not the dead time between my own opinions, requires patience, self-control; being aware of who we truly are; speaking less and listening more.

Father Luke Dysinger, OSB, MD: In ancient history humility was considered a vice, one was considered insignificant, lowly, a slave, a lack of freedom.  There was no indication of it as virtue, yet we look at the last meeting of Benedict with his sister Scholastica in the early 6th century and we can’t help but be intrigued and drawn to the love of Scholastica for her brother. – Fr. Luke sees this as a mystical happening in the humble soul of Saint Scholastica.  She was a woman in continuous conversation with God focused on God.

Humility is seen as a balance between self-centeredness and it’s opposite of low self-esteem.  Humility is an accurate assessment of one’s abilities and limitations and a way of keeping oneself in reality.  Theologically, it keeps us open to the possibilities of Heaven; we need to be open and accepting of God’s graces.  Humility helps us to be more aware of the excellence of others.  If we look to the Gospels and Epistles, we find Jesus was perfectly humble to God the Father even to death on the cross. 

The sisters had a rather difficult trip back to the monastery with delayed flights but were delighted to sleep in their own beds and were ready to share the new knowledge in the morning. However, the crooked lines of humility registered quickly.  Sunday morning, one sister tested positive with Covid, two days later another tested positive, then another and another, etc. Altogether seven sisters came down with Covid. Thanks be to God all have  recovered.  So much for “pride” in having avoided Covid!

AMBULATORY – In our Newsletter of November 2021, we mentioned that an Ambulatory was needed from the former small Chapel (now called St. Michael’s) to the St. Joseph Chapel for Mass and the Divine Office, which is about an 80-foot walk.  We thought it was going to be an easy project, but it has taken the effort of getting permits and getting the materials and following the approved schematic drawings. 

The construction has been coming along with the help of Steve Perez, Ernest Valencia, and all the workers, who hope to finalize the project before winter sets in or at least the sidewalk and the walls since we have 40 more feet to go.  Thank you all for your support in making this possible!  We have had to close our Guesthouse due to the hazardous areas.

SYNOD – Ten sisters were very happy to spend a day in Gallup with Bishop James Wall and religious sisters of the Gallup Diocese, December 2021, to share the celebration of Mass and to hear Bishop James give a report of the Ordinary General Assembly of the Bishops in October 2021. 

We also had the opportunity of coming to gether into groups with appointed Facilitator and Scribe with a follow-up conference on “Synodality” in March.  Questions included: “Everyone walks together and how do we do that?” Also, “We need to foster faith within community families and how can we preach the Gospel of Christ’s LOVE and message?” 

Sister Scholastica said, “All are welcomed!  We try to accommodate others by nourishing ourselves with ongoing formation, be updated and keep abreast on current issues that we may be able to relate and impart the Gospel better.”  She also mentioned about her former experiences with Apostolic work in a parish, that it seemed “converts” and “reverts” are more enthusiastic in living the Catholic faith.  “We are living witnesses of Christ’s love to all.” 

EDUCATION – We are pleased to announce that Sister Stephen has been awarded a scholarship to attend Assumption College for Sisters (ACS) run by the Sisters of Christian Charity, “ACS offers a two-year, integrated program of liberal arts and theological study in addition to a year of ESL and computer studies for our international students. Each year ACS offers 20 full scholarships to Sisters from developing nations located in Africa, Asia, and Central America.”  Wishing you success and a blessed journey, Sister Stephen! Assumption College for Sisters motto:  “Teach a Sister…Touch the World”              

CONTINUING  EDUCATION – ­­­­­­­ Sister Elizabeth spends part of her monastic day studying for a master’s degree in Theology through the online degree program at St. Leo University with the unpaid expense of $26k.  One of her classes is titled, “Philosophical Foundation of Theology and Christian Scriptures.” Sister Elizabeth said, “When I received my first assignment in Christian Scriptures, I thought it was strange:  Read the Gospel passage of your choice and write one page using your academic knowledge.  What was strange for me at that point was the “academic knowledge.” What is it about the Gospel that is called academic?” Is it not the same as what I have been doing in the monastery with Lectio Divina? The next few days, I  received a comment from my professor and posted to all students: “Sister Elizabeth Tran has introduced a new way of reading the Gospel, but it is not what I want.”  I was so disappointed, but I am happy to know that there are other ways to receive the new type of food for my spiritual life. I love God in both of my human capacities: heart and mind. Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for all your faithful support and love for our monastery. May God bless you with the graces and blessings you need, especially the urgent ones for your loved ones.”

Through a US Federal Pell Grant, Sister Kateri is an on-line student at the University of New Mexico.  She is working on a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Arts.  One of the upcoming classes for the Fall semester is “The Bible as Literature,” studying the literary aspects of the OT and NT.  

Thanks to technology Sister Kateri likes to interact on-line with the professors and students, which she finds more creative rather than being in a physical classroom.  Of course, with Zoom chat, Sister Kateri is also able to have a one-on-one conversation with the professors. 

SAINT KATERI COLLEGE – We would like to thank Dr. John Freeh for the times he has spent in teaching our sisters English, who are from different countries outside the USA.  Please pray for him and his wife, Helen, who are founding a new college in the Diocese of Gallup, welcoming students in the Fall of 2024.  Kateri College of the Liberal and Practical Arts is a faithful, independent Catholic school that exists to provide a four-year education which unites the liberal and practical arts.  As noted in a brochure, “Our mission is to help our graduates understand, in St. John Henry Newman’s words, God has created them ‘for some definite service for which He has not created another.’”  For more information, and support, please visit:

THIS AND THAT– In February 2022, our community received its first Oblate candidate, Sadie.  Sister Mary is working with her as she prepares for the different stages, now going over Liturgy and the Rule of St. Benedict. 

Our novice, Sister Scholastica, has an emergency stent procedure due to a heart attack in April 2022.  Thanks to the people who assisted her at the San Juan Regional Medical Center, also during her 12-week cardiac rehabilitation therapies and the accommodations at the Connelly Hospitality House in Farmington, NM.  She is back in the monastery full time. 

Sister Lizabeth had a mild stroke early August 2022.  Fortunately, Sister Mary was able to rush her to the San Juan Regional Medical Center in Farmington, NM, where she was given immediate attention and medication that reversed the stroke.  She is currently receiving physical therapies at the San Juan Rehabilitation Hospital.  Gradually, she is progressing.   – Sister Frances is still in Vietnam taking care of her mother and aunt.  Sister Agnes Le is seeking the life of a hermit.  God willing, we will receive a woman from Kenya,  Irene Olotch, who will be with us sometime before the end of this year.  

Please pray for our upcoming retreat October 23-29, 2022.  Each year, we have someone give us a retreat and it is a time of spiritual rest and deeper awareness of God’s presence.  The conferences will be given by Father Francis Benedict, OSB, from St. Andrews Abbey in Valyermo, CA. 

REMEMBERING OUR FRIEND – Sister Sara Marie Gomez, 78, an Ursuline Sister of Mount Saint Joseph, died July 24, 2022, at Mount Saint Joseph, in her 60th year of religious life. She was a native of Gobernador, New Mexico.  Sister Sara Marie was the epitome of hospitality and loved to share her southwestern cooking. She spent 36 years serving in New Mexico and was the last Ursuline Sister to serve there after 100 years of community educators.  It is remembered that Sister Sara had “invited an old man who had no family to join (them) at the convent for Thanksgiving dinner; the old man was so grateful that he brought a bottle of homemade dandelion wine as a gift. It pretty much tasted like diesel fuel (she said). But Sara Marie, in her diplomatic and hospitable manner, said, ‘This wine is so special that we’ll save the rest of the bottle for future special occasions!”

On September 14, 2022, is the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, honoring the finding of the true cross by Emperor Constantine’s mother, Helen, in 335.  Most of all we celebrate Christ’s victory over death by his Cross and Resurrection.  “We adore you O Christ, and we bless you, because by your Cross you have redeemed the world.” 

Advent Newsletter Nov 2021

Dear Friend(s), 

Greetings from the desert of Gobernador, New Mexico.  Here at the Monastery, we have had a busy year, well lived, pursuing our life of quiet prayer, for the needs of the world.

GOD BLESS YOU!  We want to thank all the families who contributed their gifts to us this past year.  Besides prayer, many of you gave us groceries, tools, home cooked meals, and volunteer work.  Having the opportunity of going into town for Mass, we did have Communion Service, and the Monastery of Christ in the Desert was able to provide us with weekend Chaplains.  Our faithful workers, Ernest, Tommy, and Arturo and others have made it possible for us to continue building.   

St. Joseph Pray for Us!

Besides the United Nations declaring the year of 2021 as the International Year of Peace and Trust, we look to the YEAR OF ST. JOSEPH which will be through December 2021.  We dedicate this Newsletter to him in the hopes that through his intercession we might gain spiritual blessings and good health.

As we come to the end of the year of St. Joseph, we are reminded of all the beautiful gifts and answered prayers St. Joseph has given to our community.  This image of St. Joseph painted by Father William Hart McNichols was an inspiration for us as we began our Journey of Trust Campaign, looking for a new home. The prayer, ”St. Joseph the Shadow of the Father,” was written by Fr. McNichols for our move.  After a Novena of Masses was celebrated in honor St. Joseph’s help, we were contacted by the Florez Family, and their generosity and abundant help brought us to our new home in Gobernador, New Mexico.

The Bible is silent about St. Joseph except to tell of his engagement to Mary and his dreams.  Turning to two 17th, and 18th century mystics Venerable Sisters Anne of Agreda and Anne Catherine Emmerich, we learn that St. Joseph may have been the youngest member of a large priestly family in Bethlehem. He was a quiet and prayerful young boy who was the very opposite of his many brothers and suffered ridicule and injury from them.  As soon as he was old enough, he left his family home and was apprenticed to an older carpenter.  He may have still lived in the Judean area when he was chosen to be the spouse of Mary. However, when we look at the responsibility God gave him, we can recognize that St. Joseph must have come through many trials and teachings in his young life to prepare him for parenting Jesus on earth, from infancy to manhood, as well as caring for Him and Mary. Patience with adversity and charity and love for those who came into their lives, brought him into incredible holiness and love.

His was certainly a journey of trust! His humility in believing the angel in his dream, his humility in finding no room in the inn at Bethlehem, his courage and innovative love for Mary and Jesus to shelter in a cave stable and having to flee for days into a foreign land to save Jesus’ life.  His bringing Mary and Jesus through and beyond very prejudiced peoples safely and with dignity. While we hear no “words” from Joseph we can’t miss his incredible courage and wisdom, as well as his overwhelming love.

As we begin this Advent Season let us join with St. Joseph in our journey of trust to help us grow in His wisdom, mercy, love and justice for all we meet. May our celebration of Jesus’ Birth bring us to a greater participation in unity and solidarity of love and justice in our neighborhoods and families in 2022. 

Our Lady of LaVant, Pray for us!

OUR LADY OF LAVANG – No one knows how long the statue was located in the middle of a dense forest. The statue of a mother carrying her child was lost under the dense trees and tangled vines. Legend has it that the statue was erected during the French colonial period and abandoned because the villagers left it during the war and never returned. She is not only the mother of her child, she is the mother of all human kind, but has been left behind because of the terrible war. She was there waiting for her children one day to come back. How long  had she been waiting? History tells us that it was more than many decades, the years when faithful Vietnamese Catholics were persecuted by their kings, fearing that their faith would destroy their culture. Many were killed and fled away for their lives. No one knows who had shown them the way to that jungle. They took refuge under the statue of the mother holding her child. Fear had led them to pray to her for help. The voice of the “desparates” had been heard. The mother appeared one day and showed them to take the leaf of the tree called “Vang”, the leaf in their language is “La.”  They were cured from many physical diseases, and spiritual healing brought them wholeness. From those miracles, her children started to gather around her every year to praise God for sending our Mother of LaVang to come to the earth to the poor people of the humble country and bring them love from God. A shrine was erected in honor of Our Lady of LaVang in 1802 but another wave of persecution had destroyed it. On December 8, 1954, her home was rebuilt and welcome waves of her children come to honor and to ask for her intercession.  (This story of mine is a combination of fiction and fact. You can check for fact at “History of Our Lady of Lavang in VN”).

CANONICAL VISITATION–   Our Canonical Visitation July 13-15, 2021, was coordinated by Mother Mary Elizabeth from St. Scholastica Priory and Sister Ancilla from the Abbey of St. Walburga.  Every three years there is a Canonical Visitation for the community to share any matters which concern them.  Each sister expresses to the Visitors what she regards as strengths, weaknesses, and concerns.  We are most grateful for the time they spent with us, guiding us, supporting us!  “Our overall impression is that the community values the way of life lived here at Our Lady of the Desert and is grateful for Sister Hilda’s work, example of faithfulness and ennoblement of the Divine Office and prayer for the community.  We commend her for carrying on through these years that have help many challenges with illness, the death of Mother Julianne and the pandemic helping to hold a steady way forward.

ALL ABOARD –  Sister Kateri and those in formation, Sisters Stephen, Mercy, Lizbeth and Scholastica were able to take a train ride from Chama to Osier, Colorado and back.  They were given free tickets by the generosity of the Mayor of Chama and Commissioner of the Cumbres & Toltec Scenic Railroad in September.  Mayor Billy Elbrock’s generosity made for a fun filled day, which included a delicious lunch!  Many of the trees were turning yellow and there was a bit of a chill as we steamed up to the summit of 10,015 feet above sea level.  The scenery of course was beautiful with many touches of fall with streams overlooking valleys of mountains.  We did see deer, lots of horses and cows; in fact, a couple of cows were brave enough to be on the tracks just as the train was traveling but got out of the way thanks to the whistle blowing of the train.

NEW AMBULATORY NEEDED – Currently, the sisters walk from the small Chapel to the St. Joseph Center for the Divine Office and Mass.  The distance is about an 80-foot walk.  The construction of a porch will be an added protection from weather conditions.  As some of our sisters are older, it becomes hazardous for them to walk in different types of weather and we can take the sisters to the St. Joseph Center in wheelchairs, or they can use walkers.   The total estimate for this ambulatory is $85,000.00, and we hope that you can help us! 

The Stewardship Office is responsible for the Faith in Action, Gallup Diocese, which supports crucial projects and ministries throughout the Diocese.  We are very thankful for their contribution of $6,500.00, for the ambulatory project.  We also have accumulated funds of $60,000.00 and need to fund $18,500.00, more. Mr. Perez, from the Bobcat Construction has been very supportive of this project and has done all the legwork for the various permits, complying with the State officials and ordering the expensive materials.   With your help, we hope to have the ambulatory constructed by the winter season.  Thank you for your prayers!

Wishing that the season of Advent will fill you and your loved ones with peace.  May you have a blessed Christmas, welcoming the Christ child with joy and love!  Merry Christmas from the sisters of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Desert!


Tribute to Mother Julianne and Easter Newsletter 2021

Monastery of Our Lady of the DesertEaster Season 2021

I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?  John 11:25,26

It was in the 1970s that Sr. Julianne began to hear Gods call to a more contemplative spirituality. She had learned to weave and became a master weaver. She began spending summers as Directress of the Guesthouse at Christ the Desert Monastery, in the Chama River canyon in New Mexico.  Then, in 2005 she transferred her vows with three other sisters who made their final Profession to God and the Monastery of our Lady of the Desert.  As our Founding Mother and appointed Prioress, she used to say, “In the Monastery you don’t choose your sisters, God does, and He chooses the sisters you need to make you holy.” Her favorite model of contemplative life was Julian of Norwich, an English anchorite and mystic. 

A few notes from our Retired Prioress, Sister Benedicta:  “Over the years I learned so much from her mainly how to live our monastic life to the fullest and one of Sister Julianne’s favorite sayings was, “To do my heavenly Fathers will. Not always an easy thing to do.   Early in my monastic life Sister Julianne had a favorite question she would ask me, “Why are you doing that?” when she suspected my motives from cooking to the way I dressed or whatever was not based on monastic tradition, or how the monks of Christ in the Desert did it!  (At that time, we were living on the property of Christ in the Desert, Abiquiu, NM).  One day I got so frustrated with the Why Question, that I blurted out, “Because the brothers do it that way!” She smiled and I wanted to cry but I did not. With time I heard that question less and less as I was internalizing what it meant to me a Monk!

Another early lesson I learned from Sister Julianne was about obedience. She was given permission from the Superior of her former community, the Sisters of Saint Mary of Namur to help us in our beginnings. At that time, Sister Julianne was the Accountant of the counsel and her Superior was coming to the end of her term and consequently she could not give Sister Julianne permission to leave at that point.  I was the only Oblate Sister of our newly founded community and Sister Julianne had to go back and forth from Texas to New Mexico. One day in frustration I blurted out again to her, “Don’t they know I need your help?” Sr Julianne answered, “Sister Benedicta, that’s what Obedience means.”  – When Sister Julianne was finally able to come and join us, we had many adventures, moving to the monastery of Christ in the Desert, then to Gobernador, New Mexico.  With these two moves Sister Julianne was growing older and it meant stepping down as Prioress, when she retired at age 75 in 2004.  I stepped in as Prioress and Sister Julianne allowed me to take over which she did graciously with no complaints. Eventually, she had to give up driving, that was not easy for her, but she did it with grace. When it came my turn to give up driving, I learned from Sr Julianne how to do it with grace.”  Another story is about unconditional love.  Sister Kateri had been asked to take care of her favorite Lab dog, Ninja, while Sister Julianne had to run errands all day.  Sister Julianne had instructed Sister Kateri to feed the dog, let her out of the room.  Sister Kateri remembered when Sister Julianne drove up, which was late afternoon.  Sister Kateri ran to Sister Julianne’s room knowing that the dog would bite her since she had forgotten all about the dog.  Well, when Sister Kateri opened the door, Ninja was wagging her tail and licking Sister Kateri’s habit in supposedly, job.  S. Kateri mentioned the story a few months later, and Sister Julianne said, “That’s a sample of unconditional love.”

Of course, everyone knew Sister Julianne was a gourmet cook/chef and baker, but never a dishwasher exclaimed Marissa.  Sister Julianne would ask Marissa to assist S. Julianne with the preparations, especially when she would bake 25 different pies for Thanksgiving Day and for Easter.  Sister Julianne was known to use every mixing bowl and baking pan from the kitchen.  You can imagine the dishwashing sink!  The greatest consolation was that everyone enjoyed her exquisite and delicious pies and cakes.  – There are so many stories to share, but these few show how Sister Julianne taught us life giving values.  We love you dearly Sister Julianne and thank you with all our hearts for all you have given us.

The Light of Christ – The Service of Light at the Easter Vigil usually begins at 3 am on Easter Sunday. We have a blazing fire outside our St. Joseph Center from which we shall draw the flame to light the Easter Candle. From the fire the sisters can experience not only the warmth but light in the midst of the early morning darkness as Father blesses the fire.  The large Paschal candle (made by Sister Ancilla from St. Walburga’s Abbey) is brought forward, which reminds us of the symbol that in scattering the darkness of our hearts and minds, we recall the light of Christ, rising in glory. The celebrant then incises a cross into the candle with a stylus. Then he makes the Greek letter Alpha above the cross, the letter Omega below it, and the four numerals of the current year between the arms of the cross, saying the words indicated. After these rites,  Father lights the candle from the new fire and says: May the light of Christ, rising in glory, dispel the darkness of our hearts and minds.  From the lit Pascal candle each of the sisters lights their small candles, and we began our procession.  We are reminded that just as the children of Israel were guided at night by the pillar of fire, so Christians follow the risen Christ.  As we enter the St. Joseph Center Chapel, the Easter Proclamation, the Exultet, is sung, narrating the whole Easter mystery placed within the context of the economy of salvation.  The service has so much to teach of the central mystery of our faith:    “We bring you the good news that what God promised to the fathers, this day he has fulfilled to us their children by raising Jesus.” (Acts of the Apostles 13:32-33).  The Resurrection of Jesus is the crowning truth of our faith in Christ, a faith believed and lived as the central truth by the first Christian community; handed on as fundamental by Tradition; established by the documents of the New Testament; and preached as an essential part of the Paschal mystery along with the cross:  Christ is risen from the dead!  Dying, he conquered death; To the dead, he has given life. (Catechism of the Catholic Church)  The Nuns of Our Lady of the Desert wish all of our friends the joy of this holy Season!

Mwipasaka from Sister Stephen – I came from Lusaka, Zambia, Africa, in 2015.  I would like to share with you the faith of my people and how we celebrate Easter in my country, in particular, my Parish, Christ the King.  We start preparing for Easter Sunday on Palm Sunday, where we are joined by many Christian churches in the surrounding area.  During the celebration of Palm Sunday, a Catholic priest blesses the palms and the other ministers read the Gospel. 

There are many people who attend, and we walk in the streets, singing, dancing, using drums and big musical rattles.  At the end of this ceremony, the people go to their churches.  Now, as Catholics, we continue with our Mass outside of the church because there are so many people (1,000 or more).  On Holy Thursday, we begin with Mass at 7 pm and end at 9 pm. 

On Holy Friday we start the day at 8 am, meeting at the church where the priest talks to the parishioners on the LOVE that God has for us.  There are three hours of silence until Noon followed by the WAY OF THE CROSS, which is done in the streets, again.  The people are asked to wear black clothing.  At 3 pm, there is a solemn service to include receiving the Holy Eucharist. 

Holy Saturday there are preparations of the church in silence. The parishioners are asked to be silent in their homes, remembering that Jesus is now in the tomb. EASTER Mass begins at 7 pm, with more music, drums, rattles and babatones (large stringed instrument). The children are not allowed to attend this Mass because it takes a long time, and there are some Baptisms during the celebration with 200 (more or less) older catechumens who have studied about Catholicism. This Mass takes 6-7 hours! There is also a Mass at 8 am with younger children being Baptized (300 or more). The tradition for the women is to wear the same wrapper (skirt), with white blouses and head wrapper. At the Offertory of each Mass, we offer live sheep, live chickens and goats, which is a tradition that reminds us of God’s blessings. Also, we offer fruits symbolizing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, long-suffering, gentleness, faith, modesty, self-control and chastity. I hope this enlightens you as to how Africans celebrate Easter.  Mwipasaka!  (That is, Happy Easter in the Bemba language.)

Year of St. Joseph will be held through Dec. 8, 2021

Oh, St. Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God. We place in you all our interests and desires.  Heal those who are sick with the Covid-19 virus. Oh, St. Joseph, do assist us by your powerful intercession, and obtain for us from your divine Son all spiritual blessings, and good health through Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.  Having engaged here below your heavenly power, we may offer our thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. AMEN. 

The Year of Saint Joseph is timely as we dedicate our new and larger St. Joseph Chapel (formerly St. Joseph Center) to honor the husband of Mary and Patron of the universal Church. There we gather seven times a day to sing the Lord’s praises in the Divine Office and the Mass.  Soon we hope to build an ambulatory passage that will connect the Chapel to the monastery, which is about 80 feet.  

The new ambulatory will provide the nuns protection from our harsh Northern New Mexico winters and the bright sun of the summers.  [This reminds us how the silent St. Joseph always protected and provided shelter for Jesus and Mary.]  With the added ambulatory, we would be able to take wheelchair bound sisters to the Chapel, which we cannot do now across the gravel courtyard.  We are thankful to God that we are able to pray our Divine Office and have daily Mass together as a community in the bigger St. Joseph Chapel. We will forever be grateful for all your prayers in this endeavor and thank you for your financial help and knock at the door of your heart.   

World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life, February 2, 2021- This celebration is attached to the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord on February 2nd. This Feast is also known as Candlemas Day; the day on which candles are blessed symbolizing Christ who is the light of the world. So too, those in consecrated life are called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all peoples.

On this day, Bishop James Wall received the 1st Vows of our Sister Elizabeth Nunez at the St. Joseph Chapel.  During the celebration of Mass and after the sermon, there was the Rite of Temporary Profession. It began with interrogatories asked by Prioress Hilda regarding Sr. Elizabeth’s willingness to receive and uphold the community and its monastic way of life, by stability, obedience and sharing in the common life. Sister Elizabeth replied, “Yes.” Then Sister Elizabeth made vows for a period of five (5) years, witnessed by the Bishop on behalf of the whole Church. As a sign of her commitment, Sister Elizabeth received a black veil which proclaims that Sister Elizabeth belongs entirely to Christ the Lord and is dedicated to the service of the Church. 

Alleluia, Christ is Risen; He is truly Risen, Alleluia!

Death is the penalty of offence; our Lord Jesus Christ came to die, did not come to sin; by sharing in our penalty without our offence, He annulled both our offence and penalty. What penalty? That which was due to us after this life. So He was crucified, that on the Cross He might show the dying-out of our old man; and He rose, that in His own life He might show our new life. St. Augustine, Sermon ccxxxi.

Easter Blessings from all the Sisters. Easter brings us hope, and we wish you and you