Dear Friends,
We hope that you are having a joyful summer with perhaps a visit to our National Parks for the 100th Anniversary Celebrations. We enjoy taking guests to Navajo Lake (13 miles from the monastery) and Aztec Ruins (47 miles from the monastery). We’d love to share these national treasures with you during your stay at our guesthouse!For the 26th Anniversary of our founding, February 2, 2016, a dear friend of the monastery gifted us with a Bulto of Our Lady of the Rosary, to add to our collection. Bultos are wooden carvings of Santos (saints). This primitive form of art is part of our state’s history, brought to New Mexico by the early Spanish Conquistador settlers. We put all our confidence in you, oh Lady of the Rosary, since your prayers before God are most powerful. For the greater glory of God and for the sake of Jesus, your loving Son, hear and grant our prayers. Sweet Heart of Mary, pray for us.
In November 2015, we applied for a $5,400, grant through the Bishops Annual Appeal, Gallup Diocese, to refurbish our St. Joseph Center, especially the flooring, which due to peeling tile, is a growing safety hazard. We received a check from Bishop James Wall in the amount of $2,000.00, for the renovation. We use the Center for various lay groups, hospitality, spiritual renewal, evangelization, ongoing education and large groups for Sunday Mass. Could you please consider helping us to complete the total project which includes chairs, tables and a new heating and cooling unit, with a gift of $25.00?
The sisters are all doing fine. Rosario Rosario R., from Mexico spent three months with us as an Observer She was a a delight and has returned back home to discern her next step.
Our Postulant, Dailesi, loves gardening. She and Sister Mary attended a Prescribed Burn for Private Land Owners. Through this workshop State Forestry will advise us regarding restoration of our land to its original natural habitat and grasses.
Mother Julianne continues to inspire us with her wisdom and always manages a smile!
Sister Hilda and Sister Guadalupe continue to lead the liturgy and are doing a great job. Sister Agnes Le tends beautiful vegetable and flower gardens. For three months, Sister Agnes Le took care of Rosco, our Chaplain, Father Thomas Benedict’s dog while he was away helping at St. Benedict’s Abbey near Polokwane, South Africa. He assisted with formation classes and generally filled in. This gave, Father Jeffrey, our Chaplain, a time of respite from his duties as Prior of St. Benedict’s Abbey and his first visit to the USA. Welcome back to Father Thomas-Benedict! Sister Kateri spent two weeks with her parents as they need continued assistance. She also enjoyed a short visit with her 7-year-old grandson, Andrew Thomas. On my birthday I landed up in the hospital for two days with a blood clot in my leg. Not to worry all is well with modern treatment. This experience gave me a greater appreciation for 63 years of good health and a deeper understanding of St Benedict Rule to keep death always before us.

Our 6th Annual Ice Cream Social in June was a fun event with over 400 people, sharing a meal, auction, raffle, door prizes, entertainment and the special Bingo organized by the Knights of Columbus. Thank you to all who participated and especially those who volunteered. The grand prize of a Pilgrimage to Rome for two (donated by an anonymous donor) went to Madeleine M., from Farmington. $22,322, was raised for the joint fundraiser with St. Rose of Lima Parish, half of the proceeds went to support the building of a new parish hall for St Rose in thanksgiving for the 1½ years we lived at St Rose Of Lima Church as we set up the monastery in Gobernador, 2007-2009.
Know that we continue to pray for you and your loved ones. God bless you with peace and joy! Mother Benedicta Serna, OSB, Prioress