
A nun is one who strives to become a living symbol of God’s WORD. In the concrete reality of life, it means the common chores of maintaining the monastery, or caring for the needs of our sisters and guests.
As a cenobitic community in the Benedictine tradition, we profess vows of Stability, Conversion of life, and Obedience. Our primary aim is to seek God through prayer and a simple desert spirituality. For St. Benedict and for us, the keys to the Kingdom of God are listening, watching, yearning, and loving all that we encounter as a response to God’s will for us. The charism of Our Lady of the Desert is a secluded life of prayer. This means steadfast attention to communal and private prayer. Prayer holds the first place in our daily life: nothing must be preferred to this activity. The Mass, in which the sisters participate daily, is the foundation and center of the community, which strengthens their union and mutual charity. The liturgy of the Mass also fosters a celebration of peace and joy. Benedictine spirituality is founded on silence, holy reading and prayer.

Currently, we are 10 sisters. Our Mother Julianne, 89 years of age, died unexpectedly, but peacefully and gently at the monastery on Friday March 12, 2021. From August 30, 1991, Sister Julianne was appointed our Superior for 13 years. We thank God for her role in our early history, her expertise and service to the community! May her soul rest in peace.

ARE YOU CONSIDERING A CONTEMPLATIVE MONASTIC VOCATION? A vocation is who God has called us to be. All the baptized possess the vocation of the universal call to holiness and service in the Church.
We do not accept women younger than 20 years of age nor women older than 40 years. Also, women who are practicing Catholics, free of debt, unmarried and do not have children, and who demonstrate a healthy psychological religious balance, may be considered as candidate for our contemplative monastic way of life. For more information, please inquire.

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